What Should You Look For In A House Painter?

Few amenities improve your home’s interior and exterior appearance than paint. That said, and contrary to the belief of some, a good paint job cannot be thrown together haphazardly by an inexperienced individual in an hour or two.

Noteworthy undertakings require the patience, precision, and skill only well-versed professionals possess. However, not everyone who calls themselves professionals stand on equal footing. The best house painters will possess specific attributes setting them apart from their competitors.

The Value Of A Professional Paint Job

Freshly applied paint can do wonders for a home’s internal and external aesthetics. The material creates a bright shine offering any surface a new look. Such enhanced appearances render a property more visually enticing, which could make selling said construction easier and for top dollar.

The Skills A Professional Painter Should Possess

The best house painters will not only hold an advanced abilities but display superior business and professional characteristics including:

A Superior Skill Set

Naturally, good house painters will demonstrate optimal skill. Said subjects should clearly possess the ability to work quickly and perform quality work that does not smudge or look uneven.

Aesthetic Sense

The best painters also carry an inane artistic understanding of what makes specific colors, designs, and contours stand out. In other words, the most reputable and professional painters will view every job as a work of art and know just the right touch needed to make each effort eye-catching.

A Certain Degree Of Perfectionism

In many professions, persons striving to achieve perfectionism could be difficult to do business with. However, great painters often operate like great artists. Every line, stroke, and coat has their signature on them. Therefore, they aim to be perfect or close to it as possible.


Top-notch professional painters will display a significant degree of versatility. Said attribute allows such subjects to demonstrate proficiency with all painting implements like brushes, rollers, and spray guns. Moreover, they should possess the capacity to work competently on materials paint is placed upon like siding and the plaster adorning walls and ceilings.


Professional painters should be well-versed on the latest trends. Furthermore, said persons must be familiar with the most recent technology innovations.

A Solid Reputation

Successful painters are those who have been in business for a long time, can boast documented evidence of completed jobs, and a lengthy list of satisfied customers.


Respected professionals are always honest and never attempt to deceive customers. Transparency covers many topics including:

  • The painter’s perceived ability to perform the job the customer requires completed
    The length and scope of a given project
    The professionalism to refer you to another more experienced professional if need be
    The ability to be honest and offer thorough professional opinions even when they do not always jive with the client’s viewpoint

Above all, respectable painters will always demonstrate transparency when discussing costs. Said subjects should clearly document and itemize all anticipated expenditures and not try to sneak in additional costs under the radar or after the project has begun.

Effective Communication

Successful painting contractors will display solid communication skills at all times. This means said professionals will:

  • Respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible
    Answer all questions you have
    Use layman’s terms to explain any complicated or technical topic

Granted, busy painters are in high demand and engaged in projects most of the time. Therefore, they may not be able to respond immediately. However, they should answer inquiries within no more than a day or two.


Following completion of a given job, professional painters will thoroughly clean the area in question, discard garbage, and remove any unused materials.

Contact Us Today

If you need painting done inside or outside your home, please contact us. We have proudly served the San Jose and neighboring northern California regions for years and have a large stable of happy customers who call on us for their painting needs again and again. Call 831-269-2837