Month: September 2021

What Should You Look For In A House Painter?

Few amenities improve your home’s interior and exterior appearance than paint. That said, and contrary to the belief of some, a good paint job cannot be thrown together haphazardly by an inexperienced individual in an hour or two. Noteworthy undertakings require the patience, precision, and skill only well-versed professionals possess. However, not everyone who calls …

What Should You Look For In A House Painter? Read More »

Power Washing: A Necessary Step Before Painting, or Waste of Time?

When considering painting the exterior of your house or business, one of the first questions that usually comes to mind is whether it should be power washed first before applying the primer and paint. When you’re already looking at spending a significant amount of money (or time if you’re going to make it a DIY …

Power Washing: A Necessary Step Before Painting, or Waste of Time? Read More »