Should An Entire House Be Painted The Same Color?

Both new and seasoned homeowners sometimes wonder if it’s at all possible to paint a house one color. You’d just have to buy a gazillion gallons of paint, some rollers and paint pans, or a sprayer, and you’re off to the races. So what’s all this about one color on a house being a bad idea?

When we think of condos, apartment complexes, and offices, all we remember is white. The walls, trim, and ceilings are white, and without fail there is beige carpet. Most building managers think that neutral are the only colors because they flow well, they don’t clash with clients’ or residents’ furnishings, and it’s cheaper to buy in bulk.

Homeowners aren’t usually aware that paint colors change from corner to corner of a room. They change at different times of day in both natural and ambient light. While this is true of any color paint, why not paint your house in different colors and varying shades of those colors?

In order to avoid the monotony of a monochromatic color scheme, use different colors in a home. You want to do this in order for your chosen colors to impact the family’s and visitors’ psychology properly. For example, paint your living room and dining room a bright shade of blue, and paint the trim and windows in a blue so pale it’s almost white. Blue is a relaxing, peaceful color that calms and soothes.

The direction the rooms are facing is another factor in choosing paint colors. Southern and eastern facing rooms require cooler, relaxing colors like blue, purple, and green. Northern and western facing rooms need warmer, invigorating colors like peach and amber. Trim and windows can be painted in bright white or in much paler shades of your chosen color.

Alternatively, in a world in which the open floor plan is the only way to live, multiple paint colors are a little more difficult to pull off. However, experts advise homeowners to choose the main color, an accent color, and a splash of color.

For instance, you chose to paint your open space a light blue. Your furnishings are beige, so you chose a medium shade of teal for your accent color. The teal is present in your dining room chairs, sofa cushions, as well as in the rug on your hardwood floors. Your splash of color is in the golds in the rug, so you use varying shades of gold in art frames, bookends, vases, and other objets d’art.

Should A House’s Exterior Be One Color?

The outside color of a house is important for three reasons:

  1. It must blend in with the neighbors’ homes
  2. It must be attractive for curb appeal
  3. It adds value and beauty to a house

This most public of decisions is a very important choice for homeowners. They must know these things before choosing a paint color:

  • The architecture of the house dictates the color. You wouldn’t paint a Civil War mansion purple, for example
  • Size matters. Painting a two-story house a light color makes it appear larger. Painting a smaller home a dark color makes it look even cozier
  • So does the position. If the house sits back off the road, then you can paint it as you wish. However, if the house sits on the road, then more sedate colors are in order.

Popular exterior colors include Sherwin Williams bright blue or Naval for the body of the house with white trim and a medium peach-colored front door. Another popular look is a buttery yellow paint for the body of the house with white trim along with a dark green front door. Have these suggestions spurred you to paint your house? Call us at 831-269-2837, we’re ready to rock.